
RSS Readerを購入しました・・・



it can't display japanese:-x


RSS Reader



Show latest blog or podcast entries.

Display the latest headlines from your publication using Really Simple Sindication (RSS), Rich Site Summary (RSS), Resource Description Framework (RDF), Atom, or Second Simple Syndication (SSS). As residents come to your parcel, they can touch the RSS Reader to get a link to visit your publications main website.

The RSS Reader works with podcasts, blogs, wiki's, video blogs and image collections that provide feeds for agregators to subscribe to.

Read Atom Feeds
Read RDF Feeds
Read RSS Feeds
Read SSS Feeds
Display titles of the latest posts
Touch and visit the feeds home page.
Each time the configuration file changes, the RSS Reader will initialize and read all values from the file. Any line that is blank or begins with a comment character (pound sign '#') is ignored.

color=<1, .5, 0>There are a set number of properties available.

RSS, Atom, or RDF Feeds
Find the URL for your Atom, RSS, or RDF feed. This isn't the actual home page. You can often find the URL of the feed by viewing the source of your web page. RSS feeds can be assigned with the "rss" property in the configuration file.

RSS Example
The URL for your RSS feed can be found near the beginning of the HTML source code in the HEAD element.

title="RSS 2.0"
href="http://dedricmauriac.wordpress.com/feed/" />Atom Example
The URL for your Atom feed can be found near the beginning of the HTML source code in the HEAD element.

title="Lewies Blogs - Atom"
href="http://lewismoten.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default" />RDF Example
RDF feeds are an exception as the information is usually embedded within the web page itself. You may use the URL of the web page itself.

xmlns:terms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">SSS Feeds
The RSS Reader is setup to transform your feeds into SSS feeds using a website that I provide. If you do not wish to have a dependency on my services, or would simply prefer to create your own SSS feeds, you may enter the url following the "sss" property rather than using the "rss" property.


As new content is added to your blog, podcast, or other publication, the feed will change as well. Depending on how often new content is added to your publication, you can adjust the RSS Reader to fetch data accordingly with the "hour" property. The minimum amount of time permitted is every 10 minutes (0.1666666 hours). I suggest setting the reader to update every 6 hours.

The following table may help you add precise interval refresh rates.









The color of the text floating above the RSS Reader can be changed. Be default, it is the classic orange color that is associated with feeds. Setting the "color" property in the configuration property will let you customeze the color of this text. The colors are setup using vectors.

<1, 0, 0>

<0, 1, 0>

<0, 0, 1>

<0, 0, 0>

<1, 1, 1>

<1, .5, 0>

<1, 0, .5>

<.5, .25, 0>


Before August 31, 2006

Modify (Object only), Copy


Allowed to refresh every 10 minutes instead of 1 hour minimum.
Color of floating text can be setup fromconfiguration card.

1.1 Server
Fixes for google blog feeds
Support for Atom feeds
Support for RDF feeds

Initial Public Offering
Support for RSS Feeds
Support for SSS Feeds
Click-through to home page
Adjustable number of hours to check for new entries

Open Source

The original scripts for the RSS Reader are available with the Second Simple Syndication script.

Known Issues

Articles with long titles may get cut off due to a limitation of the llSetText method of 255 characters.

Background History

This product came about shortly after the Second Life framework (Version came out with the ability to communicate with web pages over the HTTP protocol. I had authored many blogs and podcasts over the past few years and was interested in bringing content into the virtual world so that others could see the latest headlines posted on my blogs. I ran into problems with the limitation of how much text could be retrieved (1024 kb) for RSS Feeds. To compensate, I created my own feed specification called Second Simple Syndication. This specification targets a smaller payload to bring only the URL, title, and enclosure of posts from feeds.

I had a web site that could execute PHP scripts. To reduce the need for a specific scripting language, I used XSLT to transform the XML from RSS feeds to my own SSS format. This reduced the amount of code needed for PHP. The XSLT was able to change the contents around as I needed them and is able to be used on other scripting languages such as ASP and ASP.Net.

I primarily used the RSS Reader to bring in headlines from my own blogs. Eventually I used it primarily for my SLBuzz blog. That blog later moved over to wordpress. After releasing the RSS reader to the public, I had a few requests regarding Atom feeds. On October 3, 2006 I completed the task of transforming Atom feeds to SSS and RDF to SSS as well. The changes were made only on the server-side and did not need any new RSS Readers to be updated. Eventually some people had problems with blogs on blogger (Google Blogs) and others had problems with foreign characters. These too were fixed and only needed changes on the web server.

I've had a request since then for some white hover text. I created a customized RSS Reader and sent it to the client. On July 9, 2007, Dollar Richez made a similar request to be able to change the color of the floating text and have a refresh rate less than 1 hour. I customized the code so that the color can be defined in the notecard and that the hours to refresh could be defined as a float rather than an integer (version 1.2).


SLB, SLX, Apez, In-World


SLQ, 411, Gimme Web


Dedric Mauriac Blog (Wordpress)

RSS Reader Prim
RSS Reader now with support for Atom feeds
RDF and XSLT Breakthrough
Dedric Mauriac Blog (SL Stats)

RSS Within Second Life

1-Prim RSS Reader
Personal Media in Second Life
Signore Iredell
September 24, 2006

Vol. 2, Issue 11
APR 9, 2007 - APR 16, 2007
Educational Tools Review by Desideria Stockton

RSS Feed Reader - Dedric Maurac
For L$339 Linden (um, $1.75 USD?), you can link your students right
to your RSS feed, and they can access your blog inworld. This is a
time saving tool for everyone! It works like an inworld Netvibes or
Bloglines. The RSS box can be customized, so that is a handy feature.
Also, it updates automatically. I got my copy at the ICT library,
and, honestly, I can not think of one way to improve it.


aggregator, articles, atom, blog, broadcasting, configurable, configuration, content, copy, excerpts, feed, feed reader, feeds, gadget, headlines, http, information, integration, internet, journalism, links, list, marketing, modify, periodic, updates, php, podcast, protocol, provider, publications, publishing, rdf, reader, readers, rss, screencasting, scripted, subscribe, syndicate, syndication, titles, updates, url, vlogging, vodcasting, web, web feed, web feeds, web site, weblog, webpage, webpages, xml, xsl

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